DIY Christmas Tree Flocking (On the Cheap)
Updated: Sep 11, 2023
Have I mentioned that we added another Christmas tree to our growing collection over here? Last year our total was nine and this year we decided to add one in the dining room bringing our Christmas tree count up to ten.

We're all mad here, come join us won't you? Did we need another Christmas tree? No. But does it mean that the exterior of our home now has a tree in every downstairs window? Yes, yes it does.

Can you spot them? Nighttime photos will be coming soon because that's when the real magic happens! I found this tree at Goodwill for $60. It should have been less, but I'm absolutely positive that they save their Christmas trees to put out in November and then price accordingly.

They know that $60 is still way cheaper than a 7' tall Christmas tree anywhere else this time of year.

Kris was the sweetest and helped me get it home. Once we got it up in the dining room I immediately realized that I wanted to flock it.

I think it was these staged photos in the dining room of the DIY book page trees that had me convinced.

I had just plopped Phoenix's mini tree in here for a few photos, but that little flocked tree was so dreamy in here! I did quite a bit of research on DIY flocking and most of it entailed buying flocking spray on Amazon. Which had long shipping times and was pretty pricey. So let's get into how I made my own flocking to coat this tree and all for less than $5!!

*this was enough to make one batch and I ended up needing two full batches to coat our 7' tree, one batch would be plenty for a 4' tree or a couple of garlands
- 2 bottles of white school glue
- one can of shaving cream
- 3/4 cup of cornstarch
- a large mixing bowl
- a whisk
- optional- gloves
Let's get into it!
First, I poured all of the ingredients into a big bowl. I stirred vigorously for a few minutes to make sure everything was mixed evenly.

Then it was as easy as applying the mixture onto the tree! I used my hands, but plastic gloves might have been nice. I didn't mind just rinsing my hands off every so often (really only when I needed to stop and take a photo or video of the process).

I started by doing a thin layer, but quickly realized I liked the look of a thicker application. It globbed up in some areas and I think that helped the look. I went in and added some of my mixture to each individual branch and then also on top and below each section of branches just to ensure it was coated nicely.

I did end up having to make an additional batch of flocking, but once I had the supplies in total it took me less than an hour to flock the entire tree. I absolutely love the outcome!

Here's a close up.

Once it dried for a day or two it turned into a firm foam and is quite similar in look and feel to the flocking on items I've purchased at the store (like our staircase garland). A few questions I received while working on this project were:
Will the DIY flocking flake?
I can't tell for sure since our tree is already set up and fluffed, but all of the flocked items that I already have always flake, typically only when I'm setting them up and once they are in place they are fine.
Will the DIY flocking hold up year after year?
I hope so, but only time will tell! I'll certainly keep ya'll posted when I pull out the tree next year!
Let me know if you try this project, I would love to see the results- be sure to tag me on Facebook or Instagram!

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