My Favorite Frame TV Art Downloads
Last week I spent about an hour hunting down the perfect art for our Frame TV in the living room to reveal our newly tiled fireplace.

I started looking through some of my old free art posts like this one and this one, but eventually ended up on Etsy. I didn't realize you could buy digital downloads for your Frame TV that were already formatted to the correct size and ready to go (not to mention that most of them are less than $2). It's so much better than paying for Samsung's art collection- which let's be honest isn't even that great and is a real slog to look through- why is there no search function? So without further ado here are my favorite quickie Frame TV downloads. In fact, I almost bought a few of these myself (and probably will in the future).

Hot tip- after spending a few dollars each time to test the art only to realize it wasn't exactly what I was looking for I started taking a screenshot of the art before buying it and throwing it up on the TV (the smart things app makes it so easy to change out the art with these downloads) just to see if I liked it. Once I finally found "the one" I was happy to pay for it to get the nice high quality image. This was so helpful and definitely saved me from continuing to purchase art that I wasn't going to use.
Be sure to tag me if you end up using any of this art- I would love to see it! Happy shopping!
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