My favorite free art downloads!
Updated: Jun 30, 2021
I love art- it changes everything in a space. And while there are so many amazing places to purchase art, sometimes... you just need something fast and free.
(top shelf art in gold frame can be downloaded here)
These are my favorite pieces of "public domain" artwork- this means that this art is free to download, print, and use in any way that you want (there are some companies that are out there selling these pieces...yes, pieces that you can download for free are being sold at art websites). How are these pieces free you ask? Art can wind up in the "public domain" category if it was published before 1924 or if the artist has chosen to make it public domain (much rarer, but it does happen). Here are my favorite free art pieces that you can download and print for free at home! Also, if you have a frame TV or a DIY Frame TV (like I do) these pieces are perfect to display there as well!
(art in DIY frame TV can be downloaded here)
Once you click on the links for these free art downloads just right click to "save image as" and it will download!
Frequently Asked Questions:
Where should I print:
- Anything 8 x 10 or smaller you can print on your home computer!
- Anything larger can be printed at Costco, Walgreens, and Staples. Or you can do it online at Shutterfly or Vistaprint.
Where should I buy a frame?
- My favorite way to frame these free prints is Level Frames, just upload the download to their site, select from their custom framing options, and it will be delivered a few days later! It's that easy! Click here for $15 off your order!
- I also love finding frames at thrift stores, just remove the tacky dated art and pop in your new art!
- Target, Hobby Lobby, Michaels, and Jo Ann have affordable frames as well.
How big can I print these?
- There's not a perfect answer to this, most of these images are pretty large and I do use this print on my TV screen and it looks great. However, here is a handy guide that will help you, but also keep in mind if what you're printing is an organic hand painted landscape a little loss of quality or fuzziness probably won't be a deal-breaker printed at a massive size. If it's a more modern piece with a lot of sharpness then using this guide will be helpful to ensure no quality is lost!
Drop any other questions you have below and I'll be sure to answer them! Also, please tag me on instagram or facebook if you use these, would love to see them in your home!
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