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  • Writer's pictureJennifer Laura

Sugar Free Triple Berry (razzleberry) pie

With Thanksgiving right around the corner, I knew that finding a dessert that I could eat *somewhat* guilt free was going to be important. The last few years I've made a triple berry (or razzleberry pie) and they have become my favorite. So I decided to create a sugar free version!

sugar free triple berry razzleberry pie recipe

I would have loved to make this a gluten free pie as well, but the crust is always my favorite part...I didn't want to compromise that and that's why I say this pie is mostly guilt free- we're going to use my favorite Pillsbury store bought pie crusts. They really can't be beat. My aunt once told me that she spent years trying to perfect her own pie crust and my grandma would tell her every's not quite there...maybe you should try this... My aunt is a talented baker so I think over time she got frustrated with never getting it just right. One year she decided to use Pillsbury pie crust and not say anything to her mother (my grandmother). Well, sure enough that was the year that my grandmother told her she had gotten it just right! I love that story so much because it kind of sounds like something I would do. I'm certainly not opposed to working on a gluten free pie crust and I did do a bit of research and didn't feel good with any of the options that I saw, so just take this as a mostly clean recipe we can feel good about it because we've got fruit and no sugar- ha! I can also tell you that during the testing of this pie my kids ate it, a few of my friends ate it, my husband ate it- no one could tell that sugar had been left out and everyone loved it! I also sometimes worry that there might be an aftertaste with sugar substitutes, but this recipe didn't have that at all either!

So let's get started!


- 2 Pillsbury Pie Crusts (I used 2 boxes, 4 crusts total because I like to get fancy with my lattice top, but if you plan on doing a simpler top you will only need one box)

- 1.5 cups fresh raspberries (or 2 6oz packages)

- 1.5 cups blueberries (or 2 6oz packages)

- 1.5 cups blackberries (or 2 6oz packages)

- 3/4 cup monkfruit sweetener (I used Better Body Foods brand)

- 1/3 cup arrowroot powder

- 1/2 teaspoon salt

- 1 egg white (for the egg wash)

- 2 tablespoons of extra monkfruit sweetener (to sprinkle on top)


Preheat oven to 375°.

Take pie tin and place one pie crust in the bottom. Take a fork and poke holes all along the bottom. Pre-bake bottom pie crust for 5-10 minutes.

sugar free triple berry razzleberry pie recipe

While the bottom pie crust is baking, combine raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, monkfruit sweetener, arrowroot powder, and salt into medium bowl.

Once the bottom pie crust has baked, pour berry mixture into pie tin.

sugar free triple berry razzleberry pie recipe

Now it's time to create the lattice top! You can truly create whatever kind of lattice top you like, but I decided to get a little fancy and do this braided lattice top. Here is a similar tutorial for the lattice top that I created.

sugar free triple berry razzleberry pie recipe
sugar free triple berry razzleberry pie recipe

Once your lattice top is complete now it's time to create the egg wash, take your egg white and beat it gently until it starts foaming. Then brush it onto the top pie crust (this is going to give it that shiny glow!), next sprinkle a bit of extra monkfruit sweetener on top before popping it into the oven to bake at 375° for 45-55 minutes.

sugar free triple berry razzleberry pie recipe

Be sure to tag me on instagram or facebook if you make this, I want to see it!!

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Hi, I'm Jennifer Laura- you can call me Jenn. My husband and I just bought a house in our dream neighborhood and we are so excited to be here! The house, while already beautiful, NEEDS A LOT OF LOVE and STYLE. Join me, a past interior designer and wedding planner, as I work to make over each room and share the process along the way. 

© 2020 by JENNIFER LAURA. No animals were harmed in the making of this website.

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